
Boo-yah! Welcome! If you currently follow or plan on beginning a Keto, Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) lifestyle, you’ll feel right at home here.

Here at Keto Mojo Cooking, you will find a variety of recipes being published. Some will be quick and easy such as the Instant Pot recipes. Some will be more advanced and based on international-inspired dishes from around the world.

If your goal is to lose weight, re-sculpt your body or decrease inflammation, I 100% recommend Keto. Keto can help you the same way it helped me lose 30 lbs while reaching my target weight within five months after starting.

I have worked for over 20 plus years as a Registered Nurse in Long-Term Care. I have seen and continue to see the effects of what a carb-heavy “Standard American Diet” can do to people.

My goal is to promote a healthy and tasty ketogenic diet that may help you on your journey. With that said, you should always consult your primary healthcare provider before altering your diet for health reasons.

I grew up in southwestern Louisiana, USA, deeply rooted in Cajun and Creole culture. I currently live in North Carolina with my lovely wife, Denise, and our two cats, Thor, and Xena aka “Toto” and “Squeaks”.

I have been cooking all of my adult life while mastering many recipes that I have now Keto-adapted. I look forward to sharing them with you.

If you feel this is something that you want, please subscribe to my newsletter, so you know when I publish any new recipes that I think are amazing and you need to know about. Your Email will always be kept confidential and will not be spammed with trash.

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